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Borderline Country Palucca "Lucy"

Persönliche Daten:

Farbe:                               schwarz-weiß

Trägt:                           die Farbe ee-red

Geboren am:                       03. Mai 2011

ZB Nr.:                       ÖHZB BORC 2820

Züchter:                    Heidi Poschacher

                              (Borderline Country)


Hüften:                                          A/A

Ellbogen:                                       0/0

Schultern:                          OCD-frei

Knie:                                              0/0

Gebiss:     vollständig, korr. Schere

Größe:                                       50 cm

CEA:                                              N/N

GG:                                                N/G

MDR1:                                           N/N

NCL5:                                            N/N

TNS:                                              N/N

PRA/KAT/MPP:                            frei

Goniodysgenesis:                        frei

Lucy on the beach in Split

Lucy on the beach in Split

July 2015

Lucy on the beach in Split

Lucy on the beach in Split

July 2015

Lucy standing on the beach in Split

Lucy standing on the beach in Split

July 2015

Lucy on the beach in Split

Lucy on the beach in Split

July 2015

Lucy on the beach in Split

Lucy on the beach in Split

July 2015

Lucy on the beach in Split

Lucy on the beach in Split

July 2015

Relaxing day on the lake

Relaxing day on the lake

Lucy and Joyce

Lucy and Joyce

Little Joyce always steals the ball :P

Lucy getting dressed for Agility

Lucy getting dressed for Agility

Having fun durring Agility break

Having fun durring Agility break

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

Relaxing day at Längsee

my lovely girl

my lovely girl

Lucy, Joyce and Frosty

Lucy, Joyce and Frosty

Taking a winter group picture :)

Taking a winter group picture :)

Line up girls! :P

Line up girls! :P

free standing pic

free standing pic

She is always showing herself ;)

"Patiently" waiting for the ball

"Patiently" waiting for the ball

Come on throw it already!

Enjoying the snow

Enjoying the snow

Love her face and character

Love her face and character

My once in a lifetime dog <3

My once in a lifetime dog <3

Having to sit quiet for the picture

Having to sit quiet for the picture

Lucy and the Snowman.

Lucy and the Snowman.

Play time :D

Play time :D

Having some fun in the snow with the family Joyce: "Ohh im gonna get it!"

Lucy at the age of 1,5

Lucy at the age of 1,5

Enjoying the life as single dog

Lucy at the age of 1,5

Lucy at the age of 1,5

Standing on the damaged snowmen

My cutie <3

My cutie <3

After show

After show

Shes doing everything for food

Shes doing everything for food

naked Lucy and baby Joyce

naked Lucy and baby Joyce

She loves it :)

She loves it :)

nasty girl :P

nasty girl :P

great shot of my naked girl :)

great shot of my naked girl :)



for the perfect moment to sneak unseen to the bubbles

Team Borderline Country.JPG

Team Borderline Country.JPG

Frosty - Lucy - Sky - Anni - Willi - Justy

On the walk after IHA Klagenfurt 13

On the walk after IHA Klagenfurt 13



Lucy at her 2nd Birthday <3

Lucy at her 2nd Birthday <3

Taking a sports break

Taking a sports break

Puppy Lucy

Puppy Lucy

Always loved water

Always loved water

Doesnt look like it but she always was a well behaved puppy :)

Lucy 8 weeks

Lucy 8 weeks

Meeting her friend Timo

Lucy 10 weeks tired from the walk

Lucy 10 weeks tired from the walk

Lucy with her twins

Lucy with her twins

At her breeders home



Playing with mommy Justy

Playing with mommy Justy

Marvellous mom and the babies

Marvellous mom and the babies

Lucy 1 day of age <3

Lucy 1 day of age <3


BH Prüfung

BGH1 (97 Punkte - Vorzüglich)

Pettrailer Basic1

FCI Gebrauchshundeprüfung (94 Punkte - Vorzüglich)

Austrian&European Veteran Winner

Austrian&European Veteran Winner

WDS Leipzig Champion class 3rd place

WDS Leipzig Champion class 3rd place

Lucy BOB CACIB Leipzig German Winner 21.08.2016.jpg

Lucy BOB CACIB Leipzig German Winner 21.08.2016.jpg

CACIB Leipzig German Winner

CACIB Leipzig German Winner

CACIB Sempeter: Lucy 3rd place FCI1

CACIB Sempeter: Lucy 3rd place FCI1

CACIB Sempeter: Lucy in main ring

CACIB Sempeter: Lucy in main ring

Lucy at CACIB Oberwart

Lucy at CACIB Oberwart

4th place BOG1

CACIB Oberwart - Main ring

CACIB Oberwart - Main ring

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013 3.BOG1

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013 3.BOG1

Borderline Country Palucca 3rd BOG1

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013  3. BOG1

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013 3. BOG1

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013 3. BOG1

IHA Klagenfurt 02.06.2013 3. BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

Borderline Country Palucca 1. BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013  1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

Borderline Country Palucca 1. BOG1

CAC Hrusica 27.05.2013  1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 27.05.2013 1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013  1. BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1. BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

CAC Hrusica 26.05.2013 1.BOG1

CACIB Varazdin 25.05.2013

CACIB Varazdin 25.05.2013

WDS Budapest 19.05.2013

WDS Budapest 19.05.2013

CAC Senta / SRB 7.10.2012

CAC Senta / SRB 7.10.2012

Borderline Country Palucca: Junior BOB

CAC Hrusica / SLO 27.05.2012

CAC Hrusica / SLO 27.05.2012

Borderline Country Palucca: JuniorBOB, BOB, 1.BOG1 at the age of 1 year!

CAC Hrusica / SLO 27.05.2012

CAC Hrusica / SLO 27.05.2012

Borderline Country Palucca: JuniorBOB, BOB, 1.BOG1 at the age of 1 year!

Steiermarkschau Hartberg 01.05.2013

Steiermarkschau Hartberg 01.05.2013

Borderline Country Palucca: Junior Winner White-Green, Junior BIS 1year old


Jugendchampion von




Champion von



Deutschland (VDH & Club)

Föderation Bosnien und Herzegowina





Österreichischer Clubchampion

San Marino






Internationaler Champion CIB

Internationaler Champion CIE

Grand Champion von










Veteranen Champion von






Spezielle Titel:

Jugendsieger Steiermark

Junior Karawankenwinner

ÖCBH Erfolgreichster Border Collie (Jugend, 2012)

ÖCBH Erfolgreichster Britischer Hütehund (Jugend)



ÖCBH Erfolgreichster Border Collie 2013

ÖCBH Erfolgreichster Britischer Hütehund 2013



Grand Prix Slovakia Winner


Österreichischer Clubsieger

German Winner

ÖCBH Erfolgreichster Border Collie 2016

Österreichischer Veteranen Clubsieger

Austrian Veteran Winner

Rheinland-Pfalz Veteran Winner



Lucy's Pedigree

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